Monitoring Sites - Hamersley

Introduction | Contacts | Purpose | Site Description | Measurements | DEM | Pictures


  • To quantify ecophysiological responses to seasonal extremes and long-term variation in climate

  • To quantify landscape-scale exchange of carbon dioxide, water vapour and energy in a sub-tropical C4 native grassland

  • To utilise data to further develop an understanding of the potential dynamics of stored soil carbon in a changing climate

  • To utilise data to further understand plant water use

  • To provide ecophysiological and micrometeorological data representative of C4 native grasslands common to the northern sub-tropical region of Australia

  • To compare and contrast ecophysiological characteristics of grasslands from two climatic extremes in Australia (see sub-alpine grassland flux stations; Nimmo High Plains and Dargo High Plains)

  • To provide enhanced datasets of landscape-scale exchange of carbon dioxide, water vapour and energy along with ecophysiological characteristics and drivers in grassland (coupled with Dargo and Nimmo sites) biomes across Australia.

Modified: 7/10/21